Important Information

The Canadian Forage and Grassland Association (CFGA) is pleased to share that Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) announced the extension of the On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) for the next three years. The funding includes up to $16.1 million in OFCAF funding to the CFGA to continue to support farmers in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Quebec in planning and implementing short-term rotational grazing practices. 

In anticipation of high demand for OFCAF, the CFGA encourages producers to familiarize themselves with the Advanced Grazing Systems learning resources the CFGA offers and complete your grazing plan in preparation for the opening of an April 1 intake for project submissions.

You can read more about the announcements on the CFGA website and the AAFC website.

2025 intake opens April 1, 2025 and closes April 30, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific.  
Producer Information Sessions are available for potential applicants to ask questions.  Register Here.
Time: 11 a.m. Pacific/12 p.m. Mountain/12 p.m. Central/ 2 p.m. Eastern  / 3 p.m. Atlantic
English with French support  – Friday, March 28  
French with English support  – Friday, April 4  
English with French support  – Friday, April 11 

Overview of OFCAF




OFCAF Claims Process 

Upon the approval of your project or grazing plan mentorship application, you will receive a PDF claim form and instructions on how to submit the claim form. Each time you are ready to request funds you will need to fully complete the claim form and upload it to the “Upload Files for Payment” section of the application in the Impact system. Be sure to fill out every section and sign the completed claim form. 

Invoices and proof of payment  
Invoices and proof of payment are required for every amount of funds requested. Invoices and proof of payment should be uploaded to the “Files for Payment” section and should be clearly labelled for more complicated claims that contain multiple invoices and proof of payment. All amounts should be taken from those invoices without GST.   
Projects with eligible in-kind costs will need to provide those invoices (made out from yourself to yourself, clearly breaking down all costs). Proof of payment can include debit and credit card slips, bank / credit card statements, account statements, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) statements and cancelled cheques. Cash payments are most difficult to show proof of payment so the CFGA encourages applicants to use other forms of payment when available.  
Claims for projects that involve pasture seeding must also have seed tags uploaded that show the seed blend and certification (or common #1). If there are any permits required for your project, you need to upload them as well. While photos or maps of the project being completed aren’t required, it is often helpful to include them to show progress on the project.  

Request payment  
Once you have uploaded the claim and all supporting documents, you must hit the “Request Payment” button at the bottom of the application page. Once the “Request Payment” button is hit it can take up to 90 working days for the claim to be processed and payment to be issued.  

If you are not able to hit the “Request Payment” button, there is likely some information on your Organization missing (Business Number, SIN, etc.) that you need to enter before you are able to request payment.  
Issues or questions  
If there are any issues or questions about your claim or supporting documents, someone from the claims team will reach out via email or phone to get further information or clarification. Notes will be left in the comments section of the application if anything further is required.  

Payment process  
Once the claim has been processed successfully, the CFGA claim reviewers will upload a file in the “Upload Files for Payment” section that will say “Your claim has been processed successfully.” From there, it will be passed along for payment issuing.  

The CFGA encourages producers to frequently check their email and/or comments section on the Impact system to ensure that all requests for further information are handled in a timely manner. Delays in providing required follow-up information will also delay issuing of payments.  
Payments are made by EFT. This means the CFGA will need banking information to be able to send payment. On your Organization page in the Impact system there is a section titled “Payment Information” where you must enter your banking details and upload a void cheque to confirm your banking details. 

To enter your banking details, click the “Show details” link and it will open that section.  
Payments will not be issued without all information entered and a void cheque uploaded. If your payment details change (new bank or new bank account), please update the information so funds can be sent to the correct account. Only applicants are able to view and update banking information.  

Once a payment has been issued, your application will be moved to “Paid” status and an automated email will be sent from the Impact system to notify you that a payment has been sent.   

Payment details (amount and date issued) can be found in the section just below the “Files for Payment” and above the “Comments” section on the application page. If it shows a payment was issued yet you haven’t received it, please contact our team.  

Claims Process Updated Nov. 6, 2024


The Application Process

Step 1

Register with the Impact System.  If you have not registered with our system before, click on the blue button to register.  If you have registered with our system previously, click on the button in the top right of the page and log in.  You can also change your language preference in the bottom right of your screen.  Once you are registered in the system, you will need to set your farm up as an organization.  Once completed the programs for which you are eligible will appear, and you can begin the application process.

If you need additional assistance, if you have a local advisor, then they may be able to support you, as many are already registered within our system.  Otherwise, you can contact us at [email protected] and we can answer your questions by email or support you in a call if you prefer.

Step 2

All applications must have an accompanying rotational grazing plan.  You can create your own or fill out the rotational grazing plan template.  If you are unclear about creating your rotational grazing plan, you can access our on-demand Advanced Grazing System course by registering for our learning management system.  You will have access to the course in 48 hours outside of weekends and statutory holidays.   If you prefer, our regional partners are supporting producers locally through grazing plan workshops and one-on-one support. Contact information is at the bottom of this page. 

Step 3

Our application will be fully integrated into our Impact system. However, if you want to see the types of questions that are included in the application please refer to the guidance document provided here. Fill out the application form in the Impact system using the information from your rotational grazing plan. Upload your rotational grazing plan to your Impact account. There will be a signature required for the Terms and Conditions section of the application. Please download that document, review it, then sign and date it. 

Step 4

Once you have everything filled out the application, your grazing plan uploaded and the Terms and Conditions section signed and uploaded hit the “Apply” button at the bottom of the application page to formally submit your application. Once you submit your application, we expect it will be three to four weeks before you will be notified if you’ve been accepted into the program.  Note that the submitted grazing plans will be rated against the grazing plan guide, found here. If accepted, you will receive a notification to begin your project. If you are not accepted, you will receive feedback on your rotational grazing plan in case you would like to make adjustments and reapply. 

Program Background

Goals of the On-Farm Climate Action Fund 

Initially announced in 2021, the $200-million On-Farm Climate Action Fund  (OFCAF) was an initiative to help farmers tackle climate change. Now entering a further three-year expansion, the now $704.1-million OFCAF will continue supporting farmers in their efforts to become more climate resilient.

The objective of the fund is to support farmers in adopting beneficial management practices (BMPs) that store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases, specifically in the areas of: 

  • nitrogen management 
  • cover cropping 
  • rotational grazing practices 

The CFGA is working solely on supporting the rotational grazing practices stream in Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec and Saskatchewan provinces. 

The CFGA Approach 

The CFGA strongly focuses on forages and grasslands across Canada as a national organization. It works with the leading researchers, educators and other active stakeholder groups in this sector. Rotational grazing has many functions for both the environment and the family farm. This program is centred on increasing the total acres under a rotational grazing system. 
To implement this program in various growing regions across Canada, the Advanced Grazing Systems program has a two-fold approach: 

  • To provide you, the producer, access to funding to reduce possible financial challenges associated with trying or expanding the practice of rotational grazing in your operation. 
  • To provide you, the producer, with information and resources so that you can implement rotational grazing as it makes sense for your operation. 

Program Details

  • The CFGA OFCAF Advanced Grazing Systems Program is available to agricultural producers in Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec and Saskatchewan who want to develop or expand their rotational grazing practices. 
  • Producers can apply for projects with a cost share of 70 program:30 producers of eligible project expenses. A total of $100,000 is available over the life of the program (combined total OFCAF funding from all sources).  
  • Producers who previously been approved for and received funding from the CFGA under the OFCAF program for rotational grazing implementation or pasture seeding improvements can not apply to implement the same BMP practice on property that has previously been funded. Approvals will only be issued on projects on different land locations or have different BMP practices. If you have any questions about how this applies to your proposed project please contact Travis Quirk at [email protected].
  • Please be aware that payments may take up to 90 business days to be issued from the time a payment is requested in the Impact system. To ensure there are no delays, please include all required information on a completed claim form and provide the required banking information for the direct deposit. Be aware that the CFGA team may reach out for clarification or any missing documentation if needed. Delays in response may delay the claim processing time. 

Applicants to the CFGA OFCAF program may be individual producers, incorporated farms or partnerships in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec and Saskatchewan.  To be eligible for funding, the applicant must be an agricultural producer and be identified as such with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) (have a GST number, minimum gross income).  A Social Insurance Number (SIN) or Business Number (BN) will be required, and payments will be issued under the appropriate name. The name on the application must correspond to the farm corresponding to the CRA identification. 

Applicants should be aware that follow-up visits to approved project sites may be required prior to reimbursements.

Eligible Expenses

The development of a rotational grazing plan  for your farming operation is the program’s foundation and a requirement to access further funding for implementing your advanced rotational grazing plan.  By developing a rotational grazing plan, you will have a clear idea of all associated aspects of your project. 
Although not required, it is recommended that producers enrol and complete the series of modules of the  Advanced Grazing Systems self-paced learning as an introduction to the foundation of the advanced rotational grazing practices and theory.  Proceeding through these modules will help you create a rotational grazing plan suitable for your operation. 
Producers seeking additional assistance in developing an advanced rotational grazing management plan may do so with the guidance of a grazing mentor who is a professional agrologist (P.Ag) or certified crop adviser (CCA). CFGA has a network of mentors trained to support the development of grazing plans if you need support in finding a person to assist you. Please contact Travis at  [email protected] to find out how to access funding for one-on-one support. 

Fencing is integral to the implementation of the advanced rotational grazing plan to move livestock in a timely and controlled manner to achieve the desired grazing results. There are several options for fencing available. Working with a grazing mentor, and within your desired management plan, will allow you to present the best options in your application. 

Eligible Expenses 
  • New fencing materials for the purpose of cross fencing can include wildlife-friendly fencing and temporary fencing.  
  • Fencers/energizers and all associated electric fencing supplies (ground rods, insulators, etc) are eligible as part of new fence construction.  
  • Virtual fencing collars and equipment. 

Eligible costs will only be considered for purchases made after Feb. 1 ,2025. 

Eligible In-Kind Expenses 
  • In-kind labour and equipment use (tractor and post pounder) are eligible and costs should come from your local/provincial published rate guide (custom and rental rate guides).
Ineligible Expenses 
  • Used fencing materials. 
  • Livestock panels and Texas gates.
  • Perimeter fences do not qualify if construction is not aligned with the grazing plan. 
  • Removing or replacing old or existing fences.
  • Ongoing regular maintenance.

Water is essential to any grazing plan and must be carefully considered when developing an advanced rotational grazing plan.  

Eligible Expenses 
  • Livestock waterers and remote watering systems.
  • Remote watering systems that use renewable energy (solar and wind).
  • Wet wells, pipelines and trenching of waterlines.
  • Winterized remote systems that serve the purpose of watering during the summer grazing season.

Eligible costs will only be considered for purchases made after Feb. 1,  2025.  

Non-Eligible Expenses
  • Development of new water sources (such as digging wells, dugout development, or irrigation).
  • Systems that use non-renewable energy (portable generators or gas-powered pumps).  
  • Trenching of power.
  • Trucks, trailers/ wagons and holding tanks are not eligible for funding unless incorporated into the remote water system unit.

Producers are responsible for ensuring they have all required permits as they may apply to their watering system and overall advanced rotational grazing project. It is up to producers to check with the local and provincial governments to ensure that they comply with any regulations. 

The composition of the forage in the grazing area can impact the emissions of greenhouse gases.  By improving the forage composition to low methane production forage species (such as alfalfa and sainfoin), we can benefit both grazing and the environment.  Forage species should be selected based on the recommendations of a Professional Agrologist in your area. 

Eligible Expenses  
  • Seed and seeding costs are eligible under the program.   
  • Pastures with less than 25% legume content are eligible. If legume content is predominantly alfalfa, seed with red or white clover to avoid allelopathic effects.   
  • Activities to implement low methane pastures (increased alfalfa content, high quality forage and species containing tannin, such as sainfoin).

Eligible costs will only be considered for purchases made after Feb. 1, 2025.  

Eligible In-Kind Expenses  
  • In-kind seeding costs should be based on local/provincial published rate guides (custom and rental rate guides).  
Non-Eligible Expenses
  • Fertilizer and any chemical applications are not eligible.  


  • The seed should be certified or Common #1 and not contain any noxious weed seeds. 

  • Tags and seed documentation will need to be kept and submitted with the claim for verification.     

  • Eligible projects will be paid out on the seeding attempt.   

  • Ideally, the stand will be established however, even if it is not and the applicant has incurred expenses to carry out the project, those costs will be eligible.   

  • The seeding project is to be documented with geo-referenced photos to show prior and post pasture conditions and the seeding operation.

Connect with Us

If you have questions about the OFCAF program, connect with us below.

CFGA OFCAF National Team

Travis Quirk, On-Farm Implementation Lead: [email protected]

Kaylee Healy, Knowledge Translation and Transfer Component Lead: [email protected]

Trudy Kelly-Forsythe, General Communications Specialist: [email protected]

Adrienne Hanson, Saskatchewan Program Coordinator: [email protected]

Marie-Pier Beaulieu, Quebec Program Coordinator: [email protected]

Provincial Deployment Team

Agricultural Research and Extension Council of Alberta
Sonja Shank, Program Coordinator: [email protected]

British Columbia Forage Council
Emma Gryg, Project Coordinator: [email protected]

Conseil québécois des plantes fourragères 
Phillip Lavoie, Project Manager: [email protected]

Cindy Green, SK Grazing Coordinator: [email protected] 

Rotational Grazing Funding Across Canada

While the CFGA has been funded for rotational grazing BMP in Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec and Saskatchewan, CFGA is interested in supporting all programs that support rotational grazing across Canada.  

Manitoba - The Manitoba Association of Watersheds

New Brunswick - The New Brunswick Soil and Crop Improvement Association

Newfoundland - Perennia

Nova Scotia - Perennia

Ontario - The Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association

Prince Edward Island - PEI Federation of Agriculture


Funding for this project has been provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricultural Climate Solutions – On-Farm Climate Action Fund. 

