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Join our monthly virtual meetings for young ranchers!

This peer-to-peer working group focuses on advancing grazing technology, sharing producer-driven topics, and fostering mentorship opportunities.

Hosted by CFGA’s Saskatchewan lead and open to all young ranchers. All species, sectors, and sizes are welcome!

Explore topics like succession planning, financial strategies, mentor networks, and more. Connect, learn, and grow with fellow young ranchers!

Email Adrienne Hanson at [email protected] for more information or to join.

Upcoming Meetings: March 21 – TBD Producer-Driven Topic


Nos autres événements

  • On-Farm Pasture and Biodiversity Workshop -  St.Félix-de-Kingsey, Quebec
    CFGA/ACPF EventsFCS SupportedGrazing EventMember Events

    On-Farm Pasture and Biodiversity Workshop - St.Félix-de-Kingsey, Quebec

    Août 24, 2024

    All Day

    Join CQPF at Le Paysan Gourmand Farm for a pasture walk and biodiversity workshop at one of CFGA’s rotational grazing demonstration site.

    Voir les détails

  • Assemblée générale annuelle CQPF/ Quebec Forage Council Annual General Meeting
    Partner Events

    Assemblée générale annuelle CQPF/ Quebec Forage Council Annual General Meeting

    Mars 16, 2023

    9:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT

    Tous les membres du Conseil québécois des plantes fourragères sont convoqués à l’Assemblée générale annuelle virtuelle

    Voir les détails

  • Regenerating the Market: Direct-to-Consumer Models Connecting Farmers and Families

    Regenerating the Market: Direct-to-Consumer Models Connecting Farmers and Families

    Janv 17, 2024

    6:00 PM EST

    Regeneration Canada’s Webinar: Direct-to-consumer models connecting farmers and families / Des modèles de vente directe qui relient les agriculteur·rice·s et les familles (Bilingual event)

    Voir les détails