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Join our monthly virtual meetings for young ranchers!

This peer-to-peer working group focuses on advancing grazing technology, sharing producer-driven topics, and fostering mentorship opportunities. Hosted by CFGA’s Saskatchewan lead and open to all young ranchers. All species, sectors, and sizes are welcome!

Explore topics like succession planning, financial strategies, mentor networks, and more. Connect, learn, and grow with fellow young ranchers!

Email Adrienne Hanson at [email protected] for more information or to join.

Upcoming Meetings:

January 16 – Virtual Fencing Technology

February 27 – TBD Producer-Driven Topic

March 21 – TBD Producer-Driven Topic


Nos autres événements

  • Advanced Grazing Workshop - Creston, BC
    CFGA/ACPF EventsPartner Events

    Advanced Grazing Workshop - Creston, BC

    Mars 18, 2023

    12:00 PM PDT - 3:30 PM PDT

    Learn more about how to implement rotational livestock grazing systems on your operation, resources to put principles into practice, and updates and future opportunities with the On-Farm Climate Action Fund for Grazing (OFCAF).

    Voir les détails

  • Grazing Plan Workshop (online series)
    CFGA/ACPF EventsFCS SupportedGrazing EventOFCAF SupportedPartner EventsWebinar

    Grazing Plan Workshop (online series)

    Avr 2, 2024

    7:30 PM MDT

    Join the CFGA and ARECA for a conversational, 5 episode series on GRAZING PLANS! Learn how and why to make a grazing plan, get info on the CFGA OFCAF process, drought management, and have your questions answered.

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  • AFIN AGM and Conference
    Partner Events

    AFIN AGM and Conference

    Mars 9, 2023

    9:00 AM MST - 4:00 PM MST

    Alberta Forage Industry Network: AGM & CONFERENCE Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to participate in this year’s meeting and engage with other members, stakeholders, industry professionals and World Class guest presenters! 

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