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Register today for the “Tomorrow’s Prairies” webinar to learn about the launch of Nature United’s new collaborative research focused on grasslands change in Canada. 

This webinar will mark the start of a three-year research project aimed at understanding trends in the condition and extent of Canadian grasslands. This data will inform strategies to help mitigate climate change and biodiversity loss. Funded by the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund, and in partnership with the Canadian Forage and Grasslands Association (CFGA), this project builds on CFGA’s previous work on inventories and biodiversity. We will study historical baselines and projections of Canadian grasslands, foster collaboration among scientists and practitioners, develop key indicators, and model future scenarios of change. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more and be part of a project that could impact our efforts to conserve biodiversity and provide benefits to people and planet through healthy ecosystems! 

DATE AND TIME: 2 PM Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday, November 27, 2024

REGISTRATION: This 50-minute webinar will be conducted on Zoom with opportunities for questions. Your registration, via this link, is essential as it will help us track attendance and ongoing participation.


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