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Join Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan (SK PCAP)  for their 25th Native Prairie Appreciation Week! 

The CFGA is pleased to support PCAP’s 25th Native Prairie Appreciation Week!  The purpose of the Native Prairie Appreciation Week (NPAW) is to raise awareness and appreciation of native prairie ecosystems and their importance to Saskatchewan’s provincial, environmental and agriculture sectors. NPAW is a week of opportunity to recognize and celebrate the diverse values of native prairie and to raise awareness of native grasslands. For more information visit the PCAP Native Prairie Appreciation Week website.

Stay tuned for more details! 

Annual Photo Contest

Take part in their Annual Photo Contest! For more information on the annual photo contest click HERE

Annual Youth Poster Contest

Children and teens can participate in their annual youth poster contest. Celebrate Native Prairie Appreciation Week! Make a poster about “Protecting Prairie” or “Species at Risk” to win a prize! All youth under age 16 from across the prairies are invited to participate! Prizes are available for the Winner and Runner-up in each age category (Under 6, 7-10 and 11-16). 

For more information on the annual youth poster contest click HERE

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    Ag in Motion - Why and How to Generate a Grazing Plan with Steve Kenyon.

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    11:30 AM CST - 4:30 PM CST

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    On-Farm Pasture and Biodiversity Workshop - St.Félix-de-Kingsey, Quebec

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  • GRO OFCAF with Dr. Edward Bork and Steve Kenyon - Morinville AB

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