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Save the date for the Saskatchewan field event brought to you by the PLAN Club, CFGA and AAFG. Grazing Profit Challenges of Life is a two-day field event at three different ranches, Diamond J Ranch, CJ Ranching and B-C Ranch, near Meadow Lake, SK. Tour ranches owned and operated by holistic practitioners and network with others. 

Achieving high quality of life and getting what you want in agriculture can be very challenging. Networking with other like-minded producers can help increase creativity, develop confidence and increase your margins. The management club realizes the value of coming together which is why they would like to host you on three of their ranches to take a tour of what they are doing, why they are doing it and perhaps you can contribute to making it even better. 

Accommodations can be found in Meadow Lake at:

The Woodland Inn, or 1-800-869-5705 (~$130-140/nt)

Water’s Edge Eco Lodge, or 1-306-234-7900 (~$160-170/nt)

Super 8,

To register call 306-240-8044 or click the link below: 


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