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Are you a producer with questions about the OFCAF program, the application process, mentorship or the Advanced Grazing Systems online course?

This is a weekly drop-in space where the Rotational Grazing Coordinator can answer producers’ basic questions. Office hours are intended to assist with removing technology barriers from the application process and provide information about the program and other learning opportunities.

To get the link sent to your email, register here.

Visit this website if you’re unsure how to join this Teams webinar.

Nos autres événements

  • Agricultural Research Extension Council of Alberta AGM
    Partner Events

    Agricultural Research Extension Council of Alberta AGM

    Mars 8, 2023

    1:00 PM MST - 5:00 PM MST

    ARECA invites you and others from your organization to join us for our 2023 AGM. We welcome you to take part in the presentations and join the discussions that follow.

    Voir les détails

  • PRFABC - Riparian Health Training for Ranchers/Farmers
    Grazing Event

    PRFABC - Riparian Health Training for Ranchers/Farmers

    Juin 30, 2023

    9:30 AM AKDT - 4:00 PM AKDT

    Join PRFABC for the second training event near Baytree/Bonanza for farmers and ranchers. Learn hands-on skills to complete pasture and riparian health assessments to monitor soil and vegetation health.

    Voir les détails

  • OFCAF Grazing Plan Workshop - Shell Lake, SK

    OFCAF Grazing Plan Workshop - Shell Lake, SK

    Févr 27, 2023

    10:00 AM CST - 4:00 PM CST

    Are you a producer in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan or Quebec? Did you know there is a program where you can access up to $75,000 in funding to implement rotational grazing practices on your farm?

    Voir les détails