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Marhaven Agri will host the Ontario Hay and Forage Co-op AGM at the dryer and compaction facility at 7715 Wellington Rd 8, Alma, Ontario.


Nos autres événements

  • Le bœuf au service de la biodiversité - St. André D’Avellin, Quebec
    FCS SupportedGrazing EventMember Events

    Le bœuf au service de la biodiversité - St. André D’Avellin, Quebec

    Juil 10, 2024

    10:00 AM EDT - 3:00 PM EDT

    Journée de formation organisée dans le cadre du projet : Programme biodiversité en production bovine. Join CQPF at Grazing Days Farm for a day of workshops on beef production and biodiversity.

    Voir les détails

  • Ag in Motion - Why and How to Generate a Grazing Plan with Steve Kenyon
    FCS SupportedOFCAF SupportedPartner Events

    Ag in Motion - Why and How to Generate a Grazing Plan with Steve Kenyon

    Juil 20, 2023

    11:30 AM CST - 4:30 PM CST

    Join CFGA to learn why and how to generate a grazing plan with Steve Kenyon.

    Voir les détails

  • OFCAF Info Session - Wetaskiwin, AB

    OFCAF Info Session - Wetaskiwin, AB

    Févr 22, 2023

    1:00 PM MST - 4:00 PM MST

    Are you a producer in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan or Quebec? Did you know there is a program where you can access up to $75,000 in funding to implement rotational grazing practices on your farm?

    Voir les détails