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Foothills Forage and Grazing Association teaming up with our county partners to bring regional On-Farm Climate Action Fund information sessions to local producers across Central Alberta.
Join us and other producers to learn how you can access up to $75,000 to implement beneficial management practices in rotational grazing, cover cropping and nitrogen management..

The program provides financial support to producers to accelerate their adoption and implementation of on-farm Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) to lower Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, support production efficiency, sustainability and resiliency on their farm operations. To assist producers with their adoption of new BMPs, the program offers producers resources to support BMP implementation and provide BMP design recommendations.

Learn more and register here.

Nos autres événements

  • Séance d’information pour les producteurs de l’ACPF pour le FAFC
    CFGA/ACPF EventsFCS SupportedOFCAF Supported

    Séance d’information pour les producteurs de l’ACPF pour le FAFC

    Mars 1, 2024

    10:00 AM PST

    Dans le cadre de l’annonce et du déploiement du Fonds d’action à la ferme pour le climat (FAFC) pour la saison 2024-2025, l’Association canadienne pour les plantes fourragères (ACPF) organise des séances d’information à l’intention des producteurs.

    Voir les détails

  • Mentor Training - Advanced Grazing Systems - Day 2
    CFGA/ACPF EventsFCS SupportedGrazing EventOFCAF SupportedWebinar

    Mentor Training - Advanced Grazing Systems - Day 2

    Avr 26, 2024

    9:00 AM PDT - 1:00 PM PDT

    Day 2 of the Advanced Grazing Systems Mentor Training. This national program supports mentors with two four-hour training sessions that cover the basics of rotational grazing and the mentorship process.

    Voir les détails

  • CFGA Annual General Meeting
    CFGA/ACPF Events

    CFGA Annual General Meeting

    Août 2, 2023

    1:00 PM ADT - 5:00 PM ADT

    The Canadian Forage and Grassland Association is holding its Annual General Meeting on Aug. 2 from 1 to 5 p.m. Atlantic time.

    Voir les détails