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The Canadian Forage and Grassland Association (CFGA) is pleased to support the Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan (SK PCAP)’s Native Prairie Speaker Series. In celebration of Native Prairie Appreciation Week, PCAP is hosting a special Native Prairie Speaker Series Webinar on June 19!

This presentation is about "More Than Stones and Bones: Archaeology in Saskatchewan" and “Post-Treaty Four Land Use by Touchwood Agency Tribal Council First Nations, 1874-1980.”

Speakers are: Dr. Karin Steuber, registered professional archaeologist and public outreach coordinator, Saskatchewan Archaeological Society as well as Andrew Miller, associate professor, faculty of Indigenous studies, First Nations University of Canada.

This presentation is free. Watch from anywhere. Everyone welcome.

Can’t make it? Check out SK PCAP’s YouTube Channel for the recording later: skpcap)

More Information, and to access past webinar recordings, visit

Presenting sponsors are the CFGA, North American Helium, Nutrien, SaskTel and Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association.


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