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Event Background:

In 2020 Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) awarded the CFGA the responsibility to develop a National Grassland Inventory between 2020-2024. The purpose of the National Grassland Inventory is to integrate existing inventories into a single consistent, credible, and accessible product. Involving multiple partnerships and collaborations with governments, ENGOs, and sector associations, who will have specific interests and needs from a national inventory, this required the spatial and biophysical integration of data and other information from multiple sources. This National Grassland Summit will present the findings, gaps and next steps from that work.

This event will happen online, on March 22, from 10 am to 2 pm MST. If interested in attending, please contact John Pattison-Williams at [email protected].


10 - Welcome and opening

10:35 - Process and Structure of Summit

10:45 - Stakeholder Engagement

11:15 - Ground-truthing for Geo-spatial Analysis

11:45 - Lunch

12:15 - Remote Sensing for the National Grassland Inventory

12:45 - Grassland Classification

1:15 - Next Steps and Calls to Action

1:50 - Closing

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