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Thank you for your interest in our Advanced Grazing Systems (AGS) Mentor Training sessions and in become a recognized grazing mentor with CFGA’s AGS program! 
The CFGA will be hosting its two-day winter AGS Mentorship Training on Friday Feb. 14 and Friday Feb. 28 from 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. EST. This training is a critical step in the process of becoming a recognized mentor with the CFGA.  
Day One (Feb. 14): The Mentorship Process  

Overview of mentorship to support producers starting in rotational grazing including the OFCAF program.

Day Two (Feb. 28): Cell Design Workshop  

A deeper look into cell design and development of mentor-producer relations.
To express your interest in registering, please contact Emma Brooks at [email protected] to determine your eligibility. 
NOTE: Please ensure you note the start time for your time zone. If you have any questions or technical issues with the online session, please contact [email protected] and we’re happy to help.

Funding for this event [in part] has been provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricultural Climate Solutions – On-Farm Climate Action Fund. Funding for this event is also provided [in part] by Farmers for Climate Solutions.  

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