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The evening will begin with the Northeast Soil & Crop Annual Meeting for the New Brunswick Soil and Crop Improvement Association (NBSCIA) which will be followed by the grazing workshop in Salon A of the Atlantic Host Hotel.

During this workshop, Marie-Pier, CFGA, will share her knowledge and experience on how to develop a grazing plan that has a focus on extending your grazing season. Jason Wells, NBDAAF Forage Specialist, will speak on how to introduce legumes to a pasture and keep them productive in a grazing system. The session will conclude with a presentation from a local farmer who has adopted a rotational grazing system for their livestock; sharing their experiences on how they make it work for their operation.

The purpose for this workshop is to generate discussion around the topic of grazing. There is no one right answer when it comes to grazing so don’t be hesitant to bring your questions and experiences from your own farm.

Refreshments will be provided.

Date: Feb. 4, 2025 

Time: 5 - 8:30 pm AST

Location: Atlantic Host, 1450 Vanier Boulevard Bathurst, NB

This event is part of a series, you can also catch this workshop in Florenceville, NB on Feb. 24th.

For more information visit the NBSCIA website.


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