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CFGA’s Habitat and Biodiversity Assessment Tool (HBAT) hosts the Winter Webinar Series on Knowledge Transfer, Communications and Practice Adoption. 

Date: February 28th, 11am MST

Speaker: Jodie Horvath, Pag -  Extension Agrologist, Ducks Unlimited Canada

Talk Title: Getting Farmers To the Gate- Introducing Landowners and Ag Producers to Conservation Programs 

If you’d like to register or learn more please contact [email protected]

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    10:00 AM CST - 4:00 PM CST

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  • OFCAF Grazing Plan Workshop - Ponoka, AB

    OFCAF Grazing Plan Workshop - Ponoka, AB

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    10:00 AM MST - 4:00 PM MST

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    CFGA/ACPF EventsFCS SupportedOFCAF Supported

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    10:00 AM PST

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