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Join CFGA’s Adrienne Hanson for a Grazing Plan Power Hour to get help with the paperwork! Work on your grazing plan, OFCAF application, and to learn about the submission process.

Dates: FEB 13, 20, 27,  from 7PM-8PM CST


- How to use Grazing Plan Template
- OFCAF Application and upload instructions
- Mapping tips
- Links to Application resources
- BixImpact

This event is supported by Farmers for Climate Solutions and the FaRM program. For free access to in-depth online learning, workshops, mentorship and implementation follow-up support on cover cropping, advanced nitrogen management, and advanced grazing systems, please visit:

Funding for this event [in part] has been provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricultural Climate Solutions – On-Farm Climate Action Fund. Funding for this event is also provided [in part] by Farmers for Climate Solutions.   


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