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The CFGA is hosting a series of grazing clubs in Saskatchewan for producers to learn more about the fundamentals of grazing. On June 22, in the Meadow Lake, SK area, join Kelly Sidoryk and some PLAN club producers as they discuss drought resiliency networking.

RSVP to Bluesette at 306 240 8044.

Nos autres événements

  • CARA Grazing Club - Pollockville, AB

    CARA Grazing Club - Pollockville, AB

    Mars 21, 2023

    5:30 PM MDT - 8:30 PM MDT

    Chinook Applied Research Association with support from the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association will be hosting their monthly Grazing Club meeting providing an overview of the OFCAF program, eligibility, and resources available.

    Voir les détails

  • BC Living Lab Webinar: Annual and Alternative Forage Cover Crops for Grazing
    Grazing EventPartner EventsWebinar

    BC Living Lab Webinar: Annual and Alternative Forage Cover Crops for Grazing

    Févr 20, 2024

    1:00 PM PST

    The BC Living Lab Cattle & Forage Project invites you to their Winter Webinar Series—Extended Grazing Practices: will they work for you? Webinar 4: Annual and Alternative Forage Cover Crop for Grazing.

    Voir les détails

  • BCFC One-on-one Mentor Site Visit (Limited Availability; Geographic Restrictions)
    FCS SupportedMember EventsOFCAF Supported

    BCFC One-on-one Mentor Site Visit (Limited Availability; Geographic Restrictions)

    Août 10, 2023

    All Day

    Sign up to have a mentor visit their operation (at no cost) to discuss grazing systems and support with pasture assessments. While our mentors are in the area for the event, they are keen to visit with producers at their operations to learn more about their goals and needs.

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