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The B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Food has coordinated a virtual drought extension workshop for all livestock and forage producers across the province. In the fall, there were in-person workshops that were not able to come to all regions of BC. This is an opportunity to participate in an online format. The virtual workshop will include facilitated group discussions with Professional Agrologists. Consultants that will be leading the sessions are Greg Tegart, Jim Forbes and Mike Witt. 

The sessions provide more information to help producers make decisions on their farm or ranch for continuing beyond a drought season. They will focus on working with producers to utilize existing resources to plan and make business, forage management and animal nutrition decisions related to their operations. 

     - Date and Time : Friday December 15, 5:30pm-8:00pm

     - Cost :  free; registration is required to receive the zoom link and workshop resources. 


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