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Chinook Applied Research Association with support from the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association will be hosting their monthly Grazing Club meeting providing an overview of the OFCAF program, eligibility, and resources available.

The OFCAF program provides financial support to producers to accelerate their adoption and implementation of on-farm Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) to lower Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, support production efficiency, sustainability and resiliency on their farm operations. To assist producers with their adoption of new BMPs, the program offers producers resources to support BMP implementation and provide BMP design recommendations.

Learn more and REGISTER.

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    CFGA/ACPF Events

    SK Field Event - Grazing Profit Challenges of Life

    Août 8 - 9, 2023

    All Day

    Join us in a two-day field event hosted by the PLAN Club. Tour ranches owned and operated by holistic practitioners and network with others.

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  • Ag in Motion: Lunch and learn
    CFGA/ACPF EventsFCS SupportedGrazing EventOFCAF Supported

    Ag in Motion: Lunch and learn

    Juil 16 - 18, 2024

    8:30 AM SST - 4:30 PM SST

    Join the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association at Ag in Motion (AIM) July 16 to 18, 2024, for a free lunch!

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  • Profitable Pastures Webinar Series: Getting started with rotational grazing
    Member EventsWebinar

    Profitable Pastures Webinar Series: Getting started with rotational grazing

    Mars 5, 2024

    8:00 PM EST

    Join the Ontario Forage Council for their FREE webinar series on Profitable Pastures, March 5-7 at 8pm. Joe Dickenson: Getting started with rotational grazing.

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