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Tous les membres du Conseil québécois des plantes fourragères sont convoqués à l’Assemblée générale annuelle virtuelle, le 16 mars 2023 dès 9h./ All members of the Quebec Forage Crops Council are invited to attend the virtual Annual General Meeting on March 16, 2023 beginning at 9 am. 

Le 16 mars 2023/March 16, 2023 
De 9h à 12h30/9 am - 12:30 pm EDT 
Plus d’informations/More information: 

Nos autres événements

  • CQPF - Provincial Member event - Ferme Simpson, St-Cyrille de Wendover
    FCS SupportedMember EventsOFCAF Supported

    CQPF - Provincial Member event - Ferme Simpson, St-Cyrille de Wendover

    Sept 28, 2023

    All Day

    CQPF Provincial Member event at Ferme Simpson, St-Cyrille de Wendover

    Voir les détails

  • HBAT Winter Webinars - Supporting BMP Adoption on the Landscape: Ducks Unlimited

    HBAT Winter Webinars - Supporting BMP Adoption on the Landscape: Ducks Unlimited

    Mars 2, 2023

    1:00 PM EST - 2:00 PM EST

    Ducks Unlimited has built strong relationships in the agriculture sector with its program design. Understand how their programs have helped Canadian producers preserve the habitat on their land.

    Voir les détails

  • Advanced Grazing Systems Workshop - Cowichan Valley, BC
    CFGA/ACPF EventsPartner Events

    Advanced Grazing Systems Workshop - Cowichan Valley, BC

    Mars 9, 2023

    9:00 AM PST - 3:00 PM PST

    In partnership with the Vancouver Island Cattlemen’s Association, learn more about how to implement rotational livestock grazing systems on your operation, resources to put principles into practice, and updates and future opportunities with the On-Farm Climate Action Fund for Grazing (OFCAF). 

    Voir les détails