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Stop by to see the CFGA booth at this Living Labs Bridge to Land, Water and Sky event for your chance to learn about the On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) and Advanced Grazing Systems Program.

The AgriGather Open House event with Living Labs Bridge to Land Water Sky takes place March 26th, 9am to 4pm at the Leask Hall in Leask, SK..

Swing by the AgriGather Open House a tradeshow-style event to chat about farming practices that can save you money, improve your soil, and open up new market opportunities. Grab a slice of pie and a cup of coffee while you learn about farm trials in your area and funding opportunities through OFCAF, RALP, LEAP and other programs.

Mingle with fellow farmers and scientists, pick up some valuable insights, and enjoy a relaxed atmosphere. Drop in anytime during our open hours. We can’t wait to see you there!

What to Expect: 

- Enjoy pie and coffee while gaining valuable insights for your operation including funding opportunities through OFCAF, RALP, LEAP and other programs.
- Mingle with fellow farmers and scientists.
- Brief presentations from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and University of Saskatchewan scientists to learn about on-farm research trials in your area.

This event is supported by Farmers for Climate Solutions and the FaRM program. For free access to in-depth online learning, workshops, mentorship and implementation follow-up support on cover cropping, advanced nitrogen management, and advanced grazing systems, please visit: Funding for this event [in part] has been provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricultural Climate Solutions – On-Farm Climate Action Fund. Funding for this event is also provided [in part] by Farmers for Climate Solutions.   


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