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Join the New Brunswick Soil and Crop Improvement Association for their Annual General Meeting. Happening on March 14th & 15th at the Fredericton Inn 1315 Regent St, Fredericton, NB. 

Theme: Agriculture Resilience - Data Informed Management

March 14th Agenda includes:

- NBSCIA Business Meeting

- Workshop presentations;

Practical Ways You Can Improve Nitrogen Management on Your Farm - Keynote by Dr Burton

How to Get Value from Carbon - Dr. Brian McConkey

National Soil Health Strategy - Kier Miller

Making the Most of Your Soil and Crop Data - Gabrielle Schenkels

Forage Production - Dr. Dan Undersander

Grazing Systems and Sustainability - Darren Bruhjell

Farm of the Year Banquet

On March 15th there will be more workshops and a Provincial Programs Update from LLNB, NBDAAF, RALP and OFCAF

More information on NBSCIA events


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