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Join the New Brunswick Soil and Crop Improvement Association for their Annual General Meeting. Happening on March 14th & 15th at the Fredericton Inn 1315 Regent St, Fredericton, NB. 

Theme: Agriculture Resilience - Data Informed Management

March 14th Agenda includes:

- NBSCIA Business Meeting

- Workshop presentations;

Practical Ways You Can Improve Nitrogen Management on Your Farm - Keynote by Dr Burton

How to Get Value from Carbon - Dr. Brian McConkey

National Soil Health Strategy - Kier Miller

Making the Most of Your Soil and Crop Data - Gabrielle Schenkels

Forage Production - Dr. Dan Undersander

Grazing Systems and Sustainability - Darren Bruhjell

Farm of the Year Banquet

On March 15th there will be more workshops and a Provincial Programs Update from LLNB, NBDAAF, RALP and OFCAF

More information on NBSCIA events


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    CFGA/ACPF EventsWebinar

    National Grassland Inventory for Canadian Agriculture Summit

    Mars 22, 2024

    10:00 AM MDT - 2:00 PM MDT

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  • Native Prairie Speakers Series

    Native Prairie Speakers Series

    Juin 19, 2023

    12:00 PM MDT

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    CFGA/ACPF EventsGrazing EventMember Events


    Août 27 - 29, 2024

    All Day

    The CQPF and the CFGA will be present to discuss with producers performance measurement in terms of hay production, pasture breeding and soil health, as part of the largest open-air agricultural event in Quebec. Célébrons ensemble 25 ans de démonstrations, de nouveautés et d’innovations à Expo-Champ

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