Showcase your expertise and research!

Infographic and Poster Showcase Invitation to Students and Academics

Who: Graduate and undergraduate students and academics involved in agriculture, science or social science, with an interest or potential interest in forage and grasslands.

The students and academics must have conducted the research or come up with the proposed concept as presented in the poster or infographic. Students are eligible to submit for 12 months after the month of graduation. Research should have been conducted over the past year on forages and grasslands.

Haven’t completed your research? That’s ok, tell us about your research concept.

What: A poster and infographic showcase at the 15th annual Canadian Forage and Grassland Association (CFGA) 2024 conference in Guelph, Ontario, Dec. 3 to 6. The conference will include activities where students and academics can connect with government and academic scientists and extension personnel. Hear the latest forage research as well as the research and extension needs of the forage industry.

When: Dec. 1 to 6, 2024 during the CFGA’s 15th Annual Conference.

An excellent student rate is offered for the conference. We encourage you to attend. Registration is available here.

Where: Delta Hotels Guelph Conference Centre, 50 Stone Rd W, Guelph, ON N1G 0A9.

How: Contact the CFGA at [email protected] by Nov. 1, 2024, to express interest in submitting a poster or infographic for the CFGA’s 15th Annual Conference.

More information: For more information on the showcase, contact Trudy Kelly Forsythe at [email protected].

Poster and infographic details

The student/academic must have conducted the research presented in the poster or infographic. Research should have been conducted over the past year on forages and grasslands.

Students must be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs and are eligible for the showcase for 12 months after the month of graduation.

Scientific posters

Scientific content 

  •  Introduction and background with pertinent literature cited
  • Title relevant to poster content
  • Abstract information, well written, correlates with poster content and printed on poster
  • Objectives or hypotheses clearly stated and concise
  • Materials and methods (study design) clear, concise and appropriate to the problem
  • Interpretation of results and analysis clear, concise and accurate
  • Significance of results to field of study clearly discussed 

Poster display 


  • Logical order; minimum redundancy
  • Effective use of space; smooth transitions between sections 

 Visual aides

  • Legible with large fonts, colour contrast, no conflicting backgrounds
  • Text without grammatical errors; not excessively wordy
  • Effective use of figures and/or tables; coordinated with and cited in text 


Scientific content 

  • Title appropriate for presentation content 
  • Content is concise but accuracy is not compromised for simplicity 
  • Content creates intrigue and/or surprise 
  • Do you think the viewer would come away with a better understanding of the subject after viewing the infographic? 
  • Significance of subject matter is clear. What new information does this infographic present and why is it important? 
  • Relevant citations are included 

Infographic display 


  • Big picture, "take-home" message is immediately evident
  • Effective use of space; smooth transitions between sections 

 Visual aids

  • Legible with large fonts, colour contrast, no conflicting backgrounds 
  • Overall infographic is pleasant to view
  • Use of graphical elements is creative or innovative
  • Evokes an emotional response to learn more or take action
  • Viewer feels compelled to share the infographic

Poster and infographic size

48”w x 36”h – landscape

Include the correct university logo.

The poster must not exceed the size limit. If your poster exceeds the size limits, we reserve the right to remove or fold your poster to accommodate space for others.

Presenters should consider creating a handout for their poster of key takeaways they would like to share, along with their contact information. 

Infographic details

Here is a list of online infographic design templates to help (both free and low cost). Explore your options to find a platform that works for you.

Canva: With over two million icons, illustrations and stock photos, you’ll be sure to find something you can use. Free templates are available to help you get started and try out the platform.

 Piktochart: Monthly and annual pricing available, this platform specializes in creating interactive charts and maps.

 Venngage: For a more data-driven platform with advance charts or infographic templates sorted by use and audience, this fee service is another option to bring your message to life.

 Details on set up for academic posters will be provided  closer to the conference dates.

Photography and Social Media

Be clear with attendees about whether you grant permission for your poster to be photographed or shared on social media. Download these images and insert them in the corner of your slides or poster. (To download, right-click your chosen image and select “Save Picture As…” or "Save Image As..." to save it to your computer.)

Good luck! We look forward to seeing your submissions.

The Canadian Forage and Grassland Association (CFGA) Poster and Infographic Showcase is an annual event that takes place in November/December each year. The event provides students and academics at Canadian universities the opportunity to present research they’ve conducted over the past year on forages and grasslands. The breadth and variety of research is significant. This is purely an opportunity for academics to showcase their work. There is no competition.

Submission details