
Heather’s Bio

Heather works with the CFGA on grasslands-related projects, including the Habitat and Biodiversity Assessment Tool (HBAT) and National Grassland Inventory. She grew up in West Central Saskatchewan, studied Plant Ecology and Land Use and Environmental Studies at the University of Saskatchewan, then worked in forage weed research for Agriculture Canada in Regina. She later completed her M. Sc at the University of Toronto, investigating shifts in C3/C4 plants and climate change in Grasslands National Park. Academic research led her to Alaska and British Columbia to study organic nitrogen cycling in forested ecosystems.

In 2000, Heather started a consulting business centred on ecological research and science communications. Since 2006, much of Heather’s work has focused on species at risk on the Prairies, including co-managing a pilot study to develop agricultural beneficial management practices for species at risk on the Prairies. Rare plant surveys, occupancy surveys for species at risk, grassland inventory surveys and field surveys for management of invasive species on natural landscapes occupy much of Heather’s summer field season. Heather is a published author and a member of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators.

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