Site Background

About the Location

Hartland Ranch is located just east of Prince George BC. This land was originally a poor forest of  pine beetle infestation on marginal heavy clay soil.

About the Farm

Hartland Ranch is primarily a cow calf operation with a complete backgrounding side for all our calves. Sometimes we buy additional calves depending on feed production. Hartland started over 40 years ago and continues  to grow however we have never experienced a drought like this ever in the past. Herd reductions were required due to the severe drought in 2023 because hay crops were well below 50 % and our grazing program was severely challenged.

Learning about Rotational Grazing

We have done some rotational grazing in the past but learned of this program from a seminar hosted by Serena Black from the BC Forage Council. We have used large paddocks in the past but found greater benefits with smaller cells and shorter  grazing days on each.

Agronomic Details

Hartland fenced their perimeter with 5 strand barb wire and 4 strands inside. They made 7 cells with some timber left in most of them for rest and shade. Electric fencing was not used because history with predators namely wolves and bears with a large presence of elk has never been successful.

Several dugouts were created to provide water to a solar system pumping into a mobile watering trough which was easily moved to a new location with cattle moves.

Extremely dry weather due to the drought gave us poor germination until late summer but they still completed two rotations on most cells for short periods. They used a slightly smaller herd than originally planned but convinced this program extended their season considerably. This acreage has some great viewing from an elevated side road but would be prepared to host and show this project in the future.

The dry, dry year challenged their grazing periods and carrying capacity but also enabled us to monitor grass inventory and cattle better.

 Hartland are primarily a cow calf operation with a complete backgrounding side for all their calves. Sometimes they buy additional calves depending on feed production