As we approach International Day of Education on Jan. 24, the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association reflects on its focus on education in its projects.
Each program takes a different approach to education to deliver a wide range of teaching methods for knowledge transfer. This multi-layered approach includes online webinars, in-person workshops and events such as the annual conference, demonstration sites and developing resources that can be printed or shared online, and the popular Advanced Grazing Systems program (AGS).
Spotlight on AGS
For this blog, we’d like to highlight the AGS program which includes online courses for producers and grazing mentors.
Incorporating a blended-learning model, the course offers a comprehensive learning curriculum that supports producers in learning common core grazing principles and in developing a rotational grazing plan that is relevant to their operation. It also provides in-person and online options to support various learning needs and producer situations and schedules.
Created in partnership with Farmers for Climate Solutions, CFGA’s mentorship program was developed to ensure that knowledge and know-how on rotational grazing can be easily accessed across Canada. The CFGA asks all mentors participating in the mentorship program to take the online AGS for Mentors course as it helps familiarize mentors with the CFGA’s approach to advanced grazing, including funding guidelines and specific tools to help them best support producers.
The online learning platform is mobile-friendly so producers can learn and reference information wherever they are and when they have the time. It creates opportunities for producers to learn on their own or to connect with other farmers learning the same materials. It also offers many opportunities to ask questions of mentors and other rotational grazing experts and practitioners.
The AGS course includes an Advanced Grazing Systems Handbook, rotational grazing resources and a rotational grazing plan template. Effective delivery of the program is made possible by working closely with provincial forage associations across the country to provide their nuanced provincial insight on region-specific practices.
The course is available in English (and French soon) through the CFGA’s learning management system (LMS) and can be accessed on a cell phone, tablet, computer desktop or through the Canvas App. People can access the content as a mentor or as a producer. For additional information visit the CFGA AGS webpage or email [email protected].
More learning opportunities
Please check out the CFGA’s online calendar of events to see what educational events are taking place in your area and the resource materials on the CFGA website.
Celebrate Canada’s Agriculture Day, Feb. 15, 2023
February 12, 2023
This week, on Canada’s Agriculture Day on Feb. 15, we are celebrating the farmers and ranchers who care for Canada’s forages and grasslands.
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