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Join our collaboration with SK Prairie Conservation Action Plan for Prairie’s Got the Goods Week: March 18th to 22nd, 2024. It’s a week-long series of webinars about the ecological goods and services provided by the native prairie ecosystem! 

On March 20th, at 3pm MT Dr. John K. Pattison-Williams will be presenting "Tracking Grassland Change in Canada, USA and Mexico"

Presentation Summary:

Grassland ecosystems are in decline across the continent of North America. Historically, monitoring change in these ecosystems has occurred in disparate places with disparate methods. While local context matters, different methodologies between provinces, states and federal governments have meant that a cohesive inventory of grassland change has been incredibly challenging to compile and maintain. This disparity has led to different messages and often confusion among stakeholder groups. As such, larger inventories using new remote sensing technologies has assisted this process. Initiatives such as the Canadian Grassland Inventory (CFGA) and the Central Grasslands Roadmap are making progress to address this challenge. This presentation will explore the various initiatives across the biome (continental) level and share some challenges and lessons for success.

About the Presenter: John K. Pattison-Williams is President of Pattison Resource Consulting, which specializes in the interaction between environmental conservation and economic development and Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta in natural resource economics. John holds a Doctorate in Natural Resource Management from the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) at the University of Greenwich, UK; a Master of Science in Agricultural Economics from the University of Alberta; and a Bachelor of Science from Augustana Faculty of the U of A. John is active in consulting and volunteer roles internationally and in western Canada. Among other things, he is Coordinator of the Prairie Habitat Joint Venture Policy Committee and Director of the Biodiversity and Research Grants Program of ACA.

Hosted by: Caitlin Mroz-Sailer, Stewardship Coordinator, Prairie Conservation Action Plan Presenting

Sponsor: Canadian Forage and Grasslands Association

Supporting Sponsors: North American Helium, Nutrien, SaskTel


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