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The BC Forage Council is passionate about connecting producers with the information and resources they need to improve their grazing practices. Join them to connect with producers, experts, industry partners and mentors to build a stronger British Columbian network!

The goal of this free online grazing club is to provide additional resources to producers who want to enhance their grazing systems. The club will complement the national Advanced Grazing Systems Program as it focuses on BC content, include hands-on activities, answer questions and build a network of support.

Participants will access resources to help develop their own grazing management plan and use it to apply for OFCAF cost-share funding.

The topic for Feb 8th Online Grazing Club is "Cover Cropping (Spring and Fall)".

 Location: Virtual

This event is supported by Farmers for Climate Solutions and the FaRM program. For free access to in-depth online learning, workshops, mentorship and implementation follow-up support on cover cropping, advanced nitrogen management, and advanced grazing systems, please visit: 

Funding for this event [in part] has been provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricultural Climate Solutions – On-Farm Climate Action Fund. Funding for this event is also provided [in part] by Farmers for Climate Solutions.   


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  • Mentor Training - Advanced Grazing Systems - Day 2
    CFGA/ACPF EventsGrazing EventOFCAF SupportedWebinar

    Mentor Training - Advanced Grazing Systems - Day 2

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    12:00 PM EST - 3:00 PM EST

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