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About this Webinar

Many species of aerially insectivorous birds, such as swallows, have experienced significant declines across Canada in the past fifty years. The causes of these declines are not fully understood but may relate to changes in the insect prey on which the birds rely. In this presentation, Mercy will discuss her research investigating whether landscape factors such as agricultural intensity could be affecting the feeding ecology of breeding Barn and Tree Swallows in Saskatchewan’s agricultural landscapes. Specifically, Mercy will discuss foraging habitat use, diet composition, and insecticide exposure in relation to wetland and crop cover, and explore whether aerial insectivores with different ecological traits respond to agricultural intensity in similar ways.

Speaker: Mercy Harris, MSc. Candidate, Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan

About the Speaker

Mercy grew up in the eastern United States before moving to Québec to study Environmental Biology at McGill University, and later to Saskatoon to do her master’s in biology at the University of Saskatchewan. Mercy completed her master’s degree studying swallows in January of this year, and is currently working for Birds Canada. When not hot on the trail of birds, Mercy enjoys gardening, public speaking, and spending time with her family.

This presentation is FREE! Tune in from anywhere! Everyone welcome!

The Canadian Forage and Grassland Association (CFGA) is pleased to be a presenting sponsor of the Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan (SK PCAP) Native Prairie Speaker Series Webinars along with North American Helium, Nutrien, SaskTel and Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association.

For more information contact SK PCAP at (306) 352-0472 or [email protected]


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