Our Other Events

BCFC One-on-one Mentor Site Visit (Limited Availability; Geographic Restrictions)
Aug 10, 2023
All Day
Sign up to have a mentor visit their operation (at no cost) to discuss grazing systems and support with pasture assessments. While our mentors are in the area for the event, they are keen to visit with producers at their operations to learn more about their goals and needs.

BC Living Lab Webinar: Bale Grazing: Is this a practice that will work on your ranch?
Feb 6, 2024
1:00 PM PST
The BC Living Lab Cattle & Forage Project invites you to our Winter Webinar Series—Extended Grazing Practices: will they work for you? Webinar 2: Bale Grazing: Is this a practice that will work on your ranch?

CFGA OFCAF Producer Information Session
Apr 3, 2024
11:00 AM MDT
The session includes an overview of the 2024/2025 program, the application process, timeline, eligible expenses and information about opportunities for education and support, followed by questions and answers.