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Join ALUS Norfolk and ALUS Middlesex for their Collaborative Stewardship Tour featuring Best Management Practices on the Farm. Learn about the effective use of cover crops, the 4 R’s of nutrient stewardship, strategies for protecting water sources with buffers, and efficient nitrogen management. This event will reinforce existing farming expertise and address innovative methods for improved sustainability and productivity.

The event will take place at Chris Van Paassen’s farm located at 1875 St. Johns Road West in Simcoe, Norfolk County. The program will include updates from Alus communities and an overview of the ALUS projects at Chris’ farm, including exciting insights into research and test trial plots on-site.

Canopy tents and seating have been arranged for this outdoor event. A delicious picnic-style lunch will be provided, featuring a variety of sandwiches and salads, courtesy of The Barrel Restaurant in Simcoe.


10:00 Arrival & Parking

10:30 Introduction - ALUS Community Updates

10:40 ALUS at Work on the Farm - ALUS Norfolk

10:45 On-Farm Bat Research Project – University of Guelph

10:55 Test Plots and Crop Trials – FS Partners

11:05 New Emerging BMP’s- OSCIA

11:35 Closing Comments

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Tour of Test Trial Plots

For any further inquiries, please reach out to Cynthia Tosswill of ALUS Norfolk at [email protected] or Peter Moddle of ALUS Middlesex at [email protected].


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