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Dawn Hnatow is returning to Canada and will be bringing her Cattle Up Stockmanship Clinic to the Lloydminster/Marwayne/Kitscoty area August 19-20. All are welcome!

This is a great opportunity to improve the way you communicate with livestock, developing communication that they will understand, decreasing stress on the animals and on the people who work with them.

You will gain insight into the behavioural concepts behind these techniques, building a stronger connection with the animals.

Dawn will explain how good stockmanship will significantly improve your bottom line by improving morbidity/mortality rates, increasing fertility, feed conversion efficiency and grass utilization.


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    SaskatchewanGrazing EventOFCAF SupportedWebinar

    Young Ranchers Network - January meet up on Virtual Fencing Technology

    Jan 16, 2025

    7:00 PM CST - 8:00 PM CST

    Join our monthly virtual meetings for young ranchers! This peer-to-peer working group focuses on advancing grazing technology, sharing producer-driven topics, and fostering mentorship opportunities.

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  • CFGA-OFCAF Grazing Plan Workshop with Sexton - Outlook SK

    CFGA-OFCAF Grazing Plan Workshop with Sexton - Outlook SK

    Jan 30, 2023

    10:00 AM CST - 4:00 PM CST

    Are you a producer in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan or Quebec? Did you know there is a program where you can access up to $75,000 in funding to implement rotational grazing practices on your farm? 

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  • Ag in Motion - Why and How to Generate a Grazing Plan with Steve Kenyon.
    FCS SupportedOFCAF SupportedPartner Events

    Ag in Motion - Why and How to Generate a Grazing Plan with Steve Kenyon.

    July 18, 2023

    11:30 AM CST - 4:30 PM CST

    Join CFGA to learn why and how to generate a grazing plan with Steve Kenyon.

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