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Join AFIN in their Sustainable Forages Series to learn about the current drought situation in Alberta and the mental health impacts it can have on those facing difficult decisions and stresses with Linda Hunt. 

Program Director Linda Hunt from AGKNOW will join AFIN to discuss strategies for cow calf operations to deal with potential drought, including coping with the mental stresses that can arise. They will explore solutions for challenges such as selling off part of a herd, purchasing expensive feed, and managing short and long term financial stress caused by drought. This webinar is free to attend and will be posted on AFIN’s website, youtube and Podcast platforms after for you to listen to and share.


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    FCS SupportedGrazing EventPartner Events

    Homesteading Kickstarter: Vanscoy, SK

    Aug 24 - 25, 2024

    All Day

    If you are interested in self-sufficiency and want to grow/produce more of your own food this workshop is for you! If want to be more connected to the food you eat and the land this workshop is for you!

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  • Patricia, AB - Securing Success: Funding and Grazing Strategies for Your Operation
    OFCAF SupportedPartner Events

    Patricia, AB - Securing Success: Funding and Grazing Strategies for Your Operation

    Jan 30, 2024

    9:00 AM MST - 4:00 PM MST

    Join Foothill Forage and Grazing Association at one of the workshops on local funding opportunities.

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  • Native Prairie Speaker Series Webinar - Burrowing Owls in Alberta

    Native Prairie Speaker Series Webinar - Burrowing Owls in Alberta

    Jan 25, 2024

    12:00 PM CST

    In this webinar, three speakers will speak about a multi-agency collaboration for species recovery of Burrowing Owls in Alberta.

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