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Learn more about how to implement rotational livestock grazing systems on your operation, resources to put principles into practice, and updates and future opportunities with the On-Farm Climate Action Fund for Grazing (OFCAF). 

These workshops will include:

Presentations from BC Forage Council Grazing Mentors on the principles of Advanced Grazing Systems, livestock nutrition, and managing forages for dual purposes (hay and grazing)
Grazing Management Plans and how to access mentorship to make one
Tangible examples from local producers on how to introduce these concepts into an existing operation

Learn more and REGISTER here

You can also register by calling 778 – 771 – 5851. If you have any questions please email us at [email protected].

*Coffee and light snacks will be provided.

These knowledge transfer workshops are a collaboration between the Kootenay Boundary Farm Advisors and the BC Forage Council. They are supported by the Canadian Forage and Grasslands Association, the national delivery organization for the rotational grazing stream of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s On-Farm Climate Action Fund.

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